Melissa. Or Melis, that's what I call her. She's one of my bestest of best friends. Yes, bestest is a word in my book, although spell-check doesn't seem to think so. This girl knows me, this girl gets me and vise versa. When I think of our friendship, I think of Anne and Diana, not just because she likes that series, but because we function out of a 'kindred spirit' type relationship. I guess that can happen after knowing each other for 15 years! Melis, thank you for knowing me, supporting me and loving me even when I didn't deserve it. You mean the world to me. Also, thank you for not killing me on the photo shoot, I know we took 7,862 but I just couldn't stop!! :)
I returned for visiting Melis in Kentucky, she moved there four years ago, much too long in my good opinion. Even though it's been a significant amount of time, our friendship is as strong as ever, something i'm ever thankful for. I couldn't wait to get her in front of the camera and we had a fabulous shoot! I met her friend Nikkie while I was visiting and she was able to come along also. Nikkies photos to come soon!


Here comes the sun...

Love you forever lady.
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