Here is part one of WI adventure!

Thank you for not killing yourself.

Mini photo shoot in the woods!

Rock star if i've ever seen one! Then my weenie attempt at a jump, it's hard!! I'm always on the other side of the camera!

I believe the first and only time i've assembled a tent is when I was 4 and I had one of those little red play tents. Ale had a similar story, so put the us two rookies together and this is what we looked like.

I'm quite proud to report that not only did we assemble three tents we even improvised when there were pieces missing or just plain broken!! I was so proud of us!!
Part 2 of WI adventure, the filming. I have a new appreciation for people who work in the film industry, I know I got a small taste, but I had no idea of all the work that goes into one movie. The hours of setting up and tearing down, lights, sound and so much more, all for a 7 second shot. Amazing. Everyone on the team worked well and efficiently together. Many laughs were had and some frustrations but it was a fabulous weekend. Many of the shots were at night, but here are just a few.

A lot of shooting was done at this darling little cabin in a clearing in the woods.

Off to the next site.

And action! Everything was shot digitally on the new 5D MarkII. Jesus help me. "Thou shalt not covet, thou shalt not covet," was my mantra for the weekend.

What a blast! Thank you Sebastion for inviting me to be a part of your film, it was new and exciting and an adventure I won't soon forget! Can't wait to see the directors cut!