Bekah has been such an important person in my life. She has loved me, laughed with me, seen me be beautiful and ugly and has loved me through it all. I couldn't have asked God for a better friend. (Did I mention that she is stinking gorgeous??) Bekah, I have always looked up to you and love you as a sister. I'm inspired at how you have lived what you have talked and have loved getting to know you better and better. I love you so much, desert grace. (your desert is looking pretty green at the moment though!!)
I met Peter a few years ago at EHOP (Elgin House of Prayer) but didn't know him that well, he was kind of quiet and I was kind of quiet, which I have found does not make for a quick friendship. haha. BUT, I saw him off and on through the next few years, then got to know him better when I stayed in Kentucky for a few weeks. I have never know a man of such character. I so respect how he treats the relationships in his life, especially Bekah. Peter, I look forward to spending more time with you as the years go by, and getting to know your heart. You found such a gem in Bekah, she is a rarity among women.
SO! You put these two amazing people together, a beautiful fall day and my camera together and you have the makings of a great shoot!! We had so much fun together, I could hardly pick out my favorites! My slideshows are giving me a hard time, so here are a few to hold you over!!