Upon meeting Dan and Samantha, I liked them, a lot. He is the quieter one and she bubbles with joy and smiles. As we talked about their meeting, engagement, wedding, hobbies and more wedding I got the sense at how well paired they are. They love the country (me too), the simple life and pleasures (me too) and most of all, they love to fish! (I can't say, me too, on this one but if I owned a pole, i'm sure I would like it :)) As always, it's such a pleasure to meet new people and be invited in to have part in such a special day. Dan and Samantha, I so enjoyed working with you ahead of time and getting to know you even better before your wedding day approaches. Thank you again for trusting me to document you wedding and your love.
Samantha choose two locations for the engagement shoot. #1 An old pump station for a 50's theme (awesome!!) and #2 a pond out in the country where they often fish


Gone fishing :)

Great subjects! Great sun! Great day!! Can't wait for September!