I think it was Sunday after church, Cheyne came up to me, and after a big bear hug, told me he was proposing to Sarah. I felt my eyes growing as big as his were as he told me his plans. He was planning on asking her in the movie theater, and i'm not talking about any old movie theater. The name of this theater is
Gold Class Cinemas and it was probably the most beautiful theater i've seen. You're able to order a full gourmet dinner, wine or champagne as you're watching a film. That is definitely my kind of movie! Although, the chairs looked so comfy I probably would have done more napping then anything else! Back to the planning...Cheyne not only wanted this moment photographed but wanted to share it with family and close friends. BUT, letting this many people in on a big secret, you have to be careful, so he sent everyone one of these.

When the film was over, the management, who was fabulous, projected a poem that Cheyne had written for Sarah then another will-you-marry-me slide. Cheyne was slightly nervous about having people in the theater and maybe giving away the surprise. Which now I can see what he meant, the theater would have only held 30ish people. So, everyone waited outside the doors and waited for her to come out.

The waiting...

Finally the doors open and everyone fell silent. Many were holding their breath, at least I was! She came slowly out, happy but emotional, on her way to the restroom for a tissue. I felt bad to do it...but I had to use my flash, not her last surprise of the day. hahaha!

There were many hugs and tears and laughter.

Sarah made her way back to Cheyne for a hug. I love his face. Total love, contentment and probably a little, thank-God-I-pulled-this-off!!

Just a few photos after...