All that to say, Linda came up to me a few months ago and asked if I would photograph the surprise party she was throwing for Rogers birthday. I, of course, was really excited to do it! Strictly documentary work is not exactly my forte but I was excited for the chance, and didn't think it went too badly!
Enter L'Eiffel Bistrot. (Our sister restaurant)

Roger was so surprised! I was so happy because Linda worked so hard and making this night special for him.

There was singing and story telling. Jonathan wrote a song for Roger, so funny, and had printed out the lyrics for everyone so sing along. Holly, who has a beautiful operetic voice, changed the words to La Vie En Rose to fit the occasion.

My ever serious boss.

Good company and a good end to a great night.
Linda, thank you for asking me to be a participant for this fantastic evening. I hope you enjoy these photos as much as I did taking them!